Let’s Talk Clots 2024, accredited virtual conference 

Live Tuesday 15th October- Wednesday 16th October 2024

With access to accredited recordings until 15th December 2024 

Tuesday 15th October- Wednesday 16th October 2024

Why Attend?

Let’s talk Clots virtual conference is for all UK healthcare professionals seeking to extend the understanding and practice in VTE prevention, management and achieving best outcomes for patients.

You will be joining a free, 24/7 accessible immersive learning environment offering updates, what’s new, on the horizon as well as opportunity to share and participate.

Seeking network links, collaboration and discussion? LTC’24 has it all.

Interact with leading UK professional organisations, join small group discussion, access webinars, case studies, live Q&A and enjoy full access to the Exhibition Hall.

LTC’24 is accessible 24/7 from 15th October 2024 – 15th December 2024.

VTE Matters

Venous thromboembolism can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, race, or ethnicity

  • 1 in 4 people die of conditions caused by thrombosis
  • 1 in 20 develop a VTE within their lifetime
  • 55%-60% of blood clots occur within 90 days of hospital discharge
  • Up to 20% of cancer patients develop blood clots
  • VTE is the leading cause of indirect maternal death

Studies of patients who die unexpectedly of pulmonary embolism reveal that they complained of nagging symptoms often for weeks before death related to pulmonary embolism.

  • Forty percent of these patients had been seen by a physician in the weeks prior to their death2,1.


1. Safi M, Rostami RT, Taherkhani M. Unusual presentation of a massive pulmonary embolism. J Tehran Heart Cent. 2011 Winter;6(1):41-4. Epub 2011 Feb 28. PMID: 23074604; PMCID: PMC3466862.
2. Kline JA, Runyon MS. Pulmonary embolism and deep venous thrombosis. In: Marx JA, Hockenberger RS, Walls RM, editors. Rosen’s Emergency Medicine Concepts and Clinical Practice. 6th ed. London: mosby; 2006. pp. 1368–1382

Let’s Talk Clots virtual conference supports World Thrombosis Day

World Thrombosis Day is recognised globally on October 13 and seeks to focus attention on the often overlooked and misunderstood condition of thrombosis.

Thrombosis UK, a UK registered charity, is proud to support World Thrombosis Day and join this movement to place a global spotlight on blood clots as an urgent and growing health problem.

Submit your Abstract for NTW’25 E-Posters Exhibition

Thrombosis UK invites you to share your research with thousands of colleagues attending our flagship conference – NTW’25, 7-9 May 2025.

Accepted Posters will be displayed within the NTW’25 conference platform and accessible to view by all registered attendees from 7th May 2025. Up to eight submissions will be selected and invited to provide an oral presentation within the main NTW’25 agenda or be part of a round table panel discussion.

For full information on how to submit your abstract and e-poster.


Discover the latest insights, innovations and testimonials


October 15, 2024 09:00

Ongoing national problems with VTE prevention

Dr Will Lester

Ethel Oldfield

Prof Beverley Hunt OBE

Translating thrombosis risk to individualised prevention

Prevention of hospital associated thrombosis in NHS England - why we do central VTE prevention collection and why it has therefore started again.

What are we going to do about VTE prevention in pregnancy and puerperium?

October 15, 2024 11:00

Diagnosing DVT clinically - just as hard as ever!

Prof Beverley Hunt OBE

Dr Matt Fay

Dr. Ahmed Talib

Why might we struggle to detect VTE in primary care?

Point of care ultrasound using AI

October 15, 2024 12:30

Patient and public involvement in thrombosis research: essential or tokenism?

Prof Simon Noble

October 15, 2024 13:30

Sharing and learning in local Quality Improvement initiatives

Andrea Croft

Dr Uzma Basit

Dr Daniel Ghent

Dr Huzaifa Adamali

Dr Aoife Janmohamed

- Improving compliance of VTE prophylaxis patients admitted in the hospital

- Improving medical student's understanding and confidence at managing VTE

- Factoring patients’ beliefs and values into decisions around anticoagulation: a community-led multi-cycle quality improvement project.

October 16, 2024 09:00

Our Plenary Lecture

Dr Ander Cohen

Prof Beverley Hunt OBE

What's new and on the horizon in anticoagulation for the prevention and treatment of VTE?

October 16, 2024 10:30

Cardinal Health Sponsored Symposium

Emma Gee

Sinead Duffy

Intermittent Pneumatic Compression; current guidance and clinical evidence

October 16, 2024 11:30

MDT impossible cases in Cancer Associated Thrombosis

Dr. Mari Thomas

Prof Simon Noble

Prof Raza Alikhan

October 16, 2024 12:45

Movement and VTE

Prof Stephen Black

Alex Brookes

October 16, 2024 14:00

AstraZeneca Sponsored Symposium

Dr Will Lester

Dr Ander Cohen

Prof Raza Alikhan

Management Strategies for DOAC-Related Life Threatening Bleeds

This is an AstraZeneca sponsored promotional symposium at which AstraZeneca products will be discussed. This meeting is intended for UK healthcare professionals only.

October 16, 2024 15:15

Be a part of research: GRACE trial

Rebecca Lawton

Evaluating the potential benefit of Graduated Compression Stockings in addition to extended duration pharmacological thromboprophylaxis for surgical patients at highest risk of venous thromboembolism. 

Thank you to our LTC’24 Supporters

If you are a healthcare professional organisation or non-profit working in thrombosis related health care, and would like to find out how to be part of LTC’24 please email: jo@thrombosisuk.org

Thank you to our LTC’24 Sponsors

Sponsoring companies have no input into the conference agenda, speaker selection or presentations with the exception of sponsored symposia sessions, for which the respective sponsoring company is fully responsible.

If you would like to find out about opportunities to sponsor the LTC’24 virtual conference for healthcare professionals, please email: jo@thrombosisuk.org .

AstraZeneca has provided sponsorship towards this independent Programme. AstraZeneca has had no editorial input into or control over the agenda, content development or choice of speakers, nor opportunity to influence, except for the AstraZeneca sponsored symposium presentation.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Let’s Talk Clots 2024 (LTC’24) virtual conference is open to all healthcare and allied healthcare professionals. Due to health products (therapy and device) regulations, members of the public are unable to register.
Select the ‘Register Now’ button on the HOME page of the LTC’24vc website to secure your place. You will receive an email to confirm your registration has been submitted, and once verified, a second email will confirm when you have been successfully registered.
All attendees need to register first to access the virtual conference. Once your registration has been successfully confirmed, you will be able to access the platform from Tuesday 15th October 2024 by clicking on the ‘Click Here to Access the Event’ button on the Home page. This will take you into the secure conference platform where you will be able to access all areas.
No! Your single registration will allow you access to all agenda sessions, catch-up recordings, pre-records, the exhibition area, lobby, and networking rooms.
No! Thrombosis UK offer registration and access to the LTC’24 accredited virtual conference free of charge – we want everyone to working to prevent and to safely manage thrombosis access high quality education.
The conference is applying for CPD points from the Royal College Pathologists. These will be confirmed once the agenda is finalised. CPD credits will be awarded to registered attendees who attend live sessions or view the catch-up recordings hosted within the platform and pre-recorded meetings.
After registering as an attendee, you only need your email address to log-in to the conference.
After you log-in to the LTC’24 enter the conference building to access the ‘Lobby’ area. To view sessions, click on ‘Auditorium’. In this room you will be able to select whether you watch a ‘live’ session (if currently in progress or about to start) or view recordings of sessions already presented during the conference.
Yes! Let’s Talk Clots vc platform will remain open 24/7 to registered attendees until 15th December 2024. During this time, you will be able to visit the platform at any time and watch recordings of the previously held live sessions, and still secure CPD credits. The exhibition area, networking, face to face round table meeting rooms, access to resources and chat facilities will also remain open until 15th December 2024.
After this date, most of the recordings (not sponsored symposia) will be uploaded to the Thrombosis UK website and available with open access, however they will no longer carry CPD accreditation.
Sessions are delivered live, and the audience is invited to pose questions, join in discussion and share examples of success and challenges.
The LTC’24 platform registers attendance to any live and recorded session. From 16th October you can download your certificate by clicking on the CPD Tab in the Lobby
Yes! Once you have logged into the conference platform you can use the ‘chat’ button to post a message/ask a question or seek to connect with other attendees.
In Round Table sessions, up to 40 people can join these smaller meetings to and participate in the session. The Round Table rooms provide audio and visual options.
If you are a researcher, healthcare professional or lead in a professional body and would like to discuss opportunities to present at the conference or have an exhibition booth, please contact jo@thrombosisuk.org.
Yes! LTC’24 has a variety of sponsorship opportunities. To discuss and find out more please email jo@thrombosisuk.org
Thrombosis UK – a registered UK charity.
You can contact us by emailing jo@thrombosisuk.org, or visit the charity’s website where there is a wealth of information and free resources. Recordings from past conferences hosted by Thrombosis UK are also available to view.
Yes – visit the Thrombosis UK website to find out about our patient information and support meetings: http://www.thrombosisuk.org/