Tuesday 6th - Friday 9th May 2025: Providing live, accredited education for healthcare and allied healthcare professionals and dedicated information and support sessions for patients.
National Thrombosis Week is Thrombosis UK’s annual awareness week, when we bring together patients, health care professionals, advocates, service providers, pathway developers, patients and all interested parties, to shine a light on venous thromboembolism (VTE) – commonly referred to as ‘blood clots.’
NEW for 2025 - our flagship NTW’25 conference, welcoming thousands of healthcare professionals is extending! Across four days of events, NTW’25 will be providing both accredited HCP and dedicated patient information sessions via webinars, small group meetings as well as access to the popular Exhibition Hall and Poster Exhibition.
NTW’25 promises outstanding education for all. Register now, free of charge and be part of advancing learning and improving outcomes across the VTE pathway.
Venous thromboembolism can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, race, or ethnicity
Studies of patients who die unexpectedly of pulmonary embolism reveal that they complained of nagging symptoms often for weeks before death related to pulmonary embolism.
1. Safi M, Rostami RT, Taherkhani M. Unusual presentation of a massive pulmonary embolism. J Tehran Heart Cent. 2011 Winter;6(1):41-4. Epub 2011 Feb 28. PMID: 23074604; PMCID: PMC3466862.
2. Kline JA, Runyon MS. Pulmonary embolism and deep venous thrombosis. In: Marx JA, Hockenberger RS, Walls RM, editors. Rosen’s Emergency Medicine Concepts and Clinical Practice. 6th ed. London: mosby; 2006. pp. 1368–1382
Thrombosis UK invites you to share your research and QI studies with attendees joining this flagship conference.
Accepted posters will be displayed within NTW’25 conference platform and accessible to view by all registered attendees from 6th May 2025.
For full information please visit on how to submit your poster.
Discover the latest insights, innovations and testimonials
Prof Erik Klok
Dr Anette Arbjerb Hojen
Dr Stefano Barco
Prof Roopen Arya
Prof Beverley Hunt OBE
Ethel Oldfield
Dr Gary Benson
Christine Welburn.
Dr Catherine Bagot
Prof Paul Bennett
How can we improve management of the breathless patient in 600 seconds?
Prof Michael Norton
Emma Gee
Prof Paul Bennett
Clare Prince
Dr Julia Anderson
Dr Catherine Bagot
A recorded session welcoming Prof Stephen Black and Alex Brookes who discuss and share insight into the personal challenge and medical considerations to support exercise and movement after a diagnosis of a blood clot.
Prof Stephen Black
Alex Brookes
This session will discuss frequently asked questions including topics on:
Prof Roopen Arya
This session will look at:
(i) Implementation of integrated electronic systems – The highs and lows
(ii) Back to basics – warfarin therapy
Emma Gee
Claire Gibson
Rebecca Simpson
This session will look at considerations for women taking anticoagulation and heavy menstruation, family planning, pregnancy and the menopause.
Dr Gillian Lowe
Sheena Patel
Rosalind Byrne
Vicki Collings
A recorded session which looks at some of the issues and challenges after a diagnosis of a blood clot, with partcular focus on men and blood clots.
Dr Will Lester
Prof Paul Bennett
Shaun Kinghorn
A pre-recorded presentation with live discussion and question time with the panel.
Prof Beverley Hunt OBE
Dr Kate Duhig
Victoria Wilkins
Prof Marian Knight MBE
If you are a healthcare professional organisation or non-profit working in thrombosis related health care, and would like to find out how to be part of NTW’25’ please email: jo@thrombosisuk.org